Johanna lost 12 kg in 4 months

<< I’ve already lost almost all of the weight I gained during pregnancy and I’m still losing the weight that I’d accumulated before being pregnant. >>

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My experience with Dietbon after my pregnancy

During my first pregnancy I gained 28kg. I’d already put on quite a lot of weight when I met my partner and thanks to my party lifestyle.

During my pregnancy, I had too much time on my hands and I wasn’t really paying attention to what I was eating. I have a sweet tooth and it was difficult to stop eating all the time!

I had tried many different diets in the past before I found the right one! Dietbon isn’t really a diet, we can eat without feeling hungry and it’s a real pleasure to eat all the different meals. The meals are really delicious and perhaps a little better than I cook at home! (laughs). Try the ‘blanquette de veau’ and you tell me what you think !

I found it great that I spent the same amount of money on the Dietbon meals as I would spend normally on my weekly shop (minus my sweet treats!)

In just 4 months I managed to lose 12kg! I’m so relieved !

And today ?

Today I decided to start the programme again following my second pregnancy. I had lost almost all the kilos from my first pregnancy and quite a few of those pre-pregnancy too !

This time, I decided to take my time and be more flexible with myself. It will take longer to lose the weight, but I can have more of what I want to eat as well, so I don’t get too frustrated. I feel freer this time and I’m ready to learn how to eat a balanced diet and feel good in my body again.

Dietbon is really the only programme where there are no constraints. I now know how to eat better and how to manage the quantities I eat for the long term !