Patrick lost 18 kg in 5 months

<< Today it’s my doctor who can’t believe it ! My cholesterol level has dropped dramatically>>

Set my first
weight loss goal?
your plan
My story

My weight slowly crept upwards as the years went by and I found myself at nearly 100 kilos. I realised it was time to do something about it when I found I could no longer carry my weight and was often out of breath. I couldn’t bend down to play with my grandson, which was hard. It was time to start my Dietbon programme and say goodbye to all that extra weight for good !

My Dietbon experience

I found Dietbon on the internet and compared prices with the other companies on the market. I particularly liked Dietbon’s prices, but also the fact that it’s a programme based on real meals; no dehydrated soups here !

From the first month of being on the programme I lost 2 kilos, then 4 kilos, then nearly 6 kilos ! This was really motivating at the beginning of the programme! The meals are delicious and really healthy ! I checked their score on Yuka every time. There is so much variety, you’re never bored and they’re completely adapted to the time of year: salads in summer and soups in winter, etc.

I’ve tried many different diets in the past and Dietbon is by far the easiest to follow. There’s so much variety that you never feel frustrated. Thanks to the free day you can go out to restaurants from time to time or accept invitations from friends. These are life’s little pleasures that help me to continue the programme.

And today ?

Today it’s my doctor that can’t believe it ! My cholesterol level has dropped dramatically and has reached a normal level. I no longer need to take any medication !

My daughter and a friend of mine saw what a difference I had made and decided to follow suit. They’re now losing weight too ! I’m still following the programme and am still losing weight. My objective gets closer every day and I’m certainly not giving up now !

Pour découvrir en combien de tempsj'atteins mon objectif de poids avec DietBon

Pour découvrir en combien de temps
je mincis